Bethesda Terrace: Part 2

On today, which is hopefully the coldest day of the year, I decided to go back and think warm thoughts and look at warm drawings from the heat of summer. Above, is a drawing of the Winter seasonal landscape lining one of the staircases at Bethesda Terrace in Central Park, where I spent a few weeks this summer drawing and painting with pastels (See Part 1 Here). The birds look a little stressed and cold, I think.
But that's enough winter!

Let's all just think nice warm thoughts...of weeping willows, laying in the grass, and sun-dappled reflections on the water...

...of running outside in the early morning, gentle breezes (with no wind chill) rustling the leaves...

...relaxing in a gondola as the water, trees, and clouds drift by...

...and listening to the resonant sounds of strings and choral voices echoing through the warm, dewy air.

Above is the seasonal birdscape for Summer...don't they look happy and relaxed?
Let's keep that mindset going...

(One of the many benefits of working from home, is that on a day like today, I can do as the cats do: Curl up in a too-small shipping box near the radiator and pass out.)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I'm a few days late, but I found this drawing and it felt like a good first post of the New Year. Pine trees are symbolic of strength in adversity, fertility, creativity, regeneration, and good luck. All good hopes for 2013!

I drew this at Kissena Park in Queens during the nice warm summer, and now that the holiday season is over, the weather is officially allowed to skip straight ahead to spring.

Seasons Changing

This past week we had some spectacular weather in New York, where it already started to feel like fall. I took one crisp, sunny day to go out in Central Park and look at the colors as summer comes to an end. Fall always seems to come and go so quickly, so I always feel much more at ease when I have days I can sit out and appreciate the beautiful change.